Virtual shopping

Mobile app on virtual travel look book to organise essentials for different seasons.
Explore travel, beauty and fashion products on mobile app before purchasing in stores.

Unable to try or check products for online shopping.
Items may be damaged during the delivery processing.
Unknown sellers, unsafe payments, poor quality and mistakes on orders.
Shoppers buying from foreign sites are bad for retailers, rental income and local economy.

Motivate sales for retail stores.
Upgrade lifestyle and creativity.
Request for personal shopper or stock reservation.
Rewards redemption and gifts for regular customers.
Mix and match wardrobe for different occasions and seasons.
Increase shoppers confidence with online and physical stores.
Having different levels of fashion and home styling games to motivate shoppers.
Prevent wastage from buying wrong and unnecessary items, resulting in pollution.
Engage customer with creative retail and online activity for continuous businesses.
Integrate women, men and home products for all age groups to help retail industry.


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