Employee welfare

Open minded, fair practice between employees and employers.
Ethical and compliant employment contract between both parties.
Exploit and workplace discrimination are not allowed within and after working hours.
Good welfare, work life balance help to motivate employees and increase productivity.
Scared to Chiong
Unfair practices lead to terrorism, social issues, frequent job loss, abuse, family breakup, crimes increase, impact on GDP growth and harm the future generations. How to Chiong?

Unable to apply skills, adapt and grow due to unfair practices. 贪官, 腐败的官员

Shareholders are not in the office to evaluate the CEO.
Human Resources department has no power to speak up for employees.
Head of departments are biting one another instead of solving problems. 
M and M are too happy to kick out the locals and occupy the finance seats. 大难临头

External audit is never effective due to bribery.
Internal audit is never effective due to corrupted CEO and management.
Annual report is never accurate.

Workplace discrimination
CEO deliberately wants a meeting on Chinese new year eve because he is not a Chinese. Since chinese holiday is not his concern, then why is he taking red packets, oranges and holiday? He hires a legal adviser with his same race, unable to solve internal audit and business contracts.

CEO is causing terror attack by asking everyone to come for meeting at 8 am but he only turn up at 10.30 am, resulting in more accidents, breakdowns and jams. Endless meetings till midnight to cover up his fraud from the public funding and chairman, these bad sheeps are causing too many unresolved society issues and loss of talents.  来人啊拉出去斩

CEO is unable the lead the team, unable to improve internal processes and cheat shareholders on budget and financial results to claim public funding when there is no revenue for the company. He prefers the financial system to be complicated so that fraud will not be detected.  吃饱没有擦嘴

Unethical practice ~ 玩臭
After HR prepared the employment contract, CEO made amendment which disallows employee to claim off day or salary for working late daily including weekends. For personal benefits, he can claim fine dining, personal expenses, luxurious accommodation and be late for driving company car.

A copy of the signed employment contract was not given to employee so that they can play cheat again. Employee cannot report to manpower when salary was not paid with unfair termination. They are constantly abusing employment with the unethical practice of company lawyer. 玩臭

CEO abuses his power by giving the employee a confirmation letter upon working long hours and weekends with longer notice period. He wanted employee to leave earlier without paying salary in lieu when employee resigns.

He abuses power by detaining employee in the meeting deliberately after working hours and weekends. Employee cannot attend seminar after work.

He is not working as a team and shows favoritism even though employee goes to the extra mile of serving the company.

He is not showing good leadership on punctuality followed by other superiors and accused over worked employee of being late, unable to perform.

He is wasting time and resources on office politics, meeting, cheating instead of revising business contracts, step up internal audit, employee development, generate revenue and process improvement.

Employer rejects resignation and turn against employee by threatening with legal actions and demand a sum of compensation, with harassing phone calls like loanshark.

Due to corrupted management, more employees are turning to freelance jobs which results in workforce shrinking and terror threats.  官官相护

There is no proper handover to new employee, unable to ask any colleague, no training and superior is unable to guide.
Sick to Chiong
At the end of the day, it is fair.
They have to face the cycle of old age, sickness and death no matter how they play cheat. Ultimately, they suffer the consequences for their persistent actions of cheating and harming others. 心术不正, 不择手段的行为.

Anti corruption ~
Bank reconciliation
Collaborate with corporate banking on digital software to scan, detect illegal transactions between bank statements and company records, without eyeball checking on twenty pages of statement.

Integrated mobile intranet for employee welfare, suggestions for improvement, improved claims processing and promote team building.

Open work culture, two way evaluation on performance review between superior and subordinate.

Shareholders should not tolerate CEO who has no integrity and practise work discrimination. 

All employees are assets who contribute to the economy growth regardless of union membership and salary range. No loophole for employers to exploit workers.

Legal actions to be taken on any party or business partners who resist internal audit.

Besides auditing accounts, internal work processes and contracts must be compliant for smart nation.

With unethical practices, customer no longer trust the banks on investment products and credit cards no matter how attractive they are. The staffs purposely delay on simple transactions and try to push their sales. This leads to anger and closing of accounts.

Regulators will do inspection on cases reported, companies with high staff turnover and poor results.

Employers who refused to allow employee to go for government seminar or training after work without valid reason will be penalized for the violation of employee rights.
Why don't you lock up family and maid as well?

If there is high staff turnover or employee resigns after working for a day, the employers should reflect upon their evil doings instead of damaging the reputation of a university, playing dirty tricks and threatening to sue from board of directors with twenty pages of allegations良好品格

Unspecific, not measurable, unattainable, irrelevant and waste of time to issue business partner contract which is over thousands of pages, thicker than encyclopedia.
Claims payable must be specific in the contract and efficient in processing, rather than doing internal audit in third party company. Contracts must be revised, rather than hiring a staff to read encyclopedia.
Happy to Chiong
♡ SMART = Specific + Measurable + Attainable + Relevant + Time Oriented ♡ 

前人种树, 后人砍树
to create jobs?


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