Productivity gamebook in action


Mental resilience is the call to action for health and wealth well being.

Declutter mindset to overcome obstacles.


Without growth mindset, life is sailing to nowhere.

Many are lost in their journey on values, passions and strengths in the pursue for monetary gain.


12 month strategies for life wheel, work life balance, milestones, chronicles of overcoming struggle and achieving success.

Rather than giving up on boring calendar and planner, design tracker charts and analytics for self improvement on life chapters.

Applied learning for problem solving on health, finance, education, business, healing therapy, relationships, personal growth, recreation, environment friendly solutions.

Join Productivity Gamebook for lifelong rewards.

Jan    Milestones

Feb    Triumph

Mar    Prominence

Apr    Determination

May   Perseverance   

Jun     Motivation

Jul      Success

Aug    Greatness

Sep     Perception

Oct     Resilience

Nov    Valiance

Dec    Evolution

cruise to nowhere

Enjoy your breakfast, have a nice day!

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