April determination
The ability to continue trying for success despite of difficulties.
Focus and not to allow disruptions deter you from your goals, living life to the fullest.
16. Abuse, discrimination, baggage and maid treatment from elder generation as planned, leading to poor productivity and breakup. How to deal with down and toughest time?
17. Unscrupulous company on meeting and video conferencing software spread virus, leading to data and video leak, corruption of competitor software. The power of your thoughts can cause you to become great or worthless.
18. Elder generation very rude, shameless, mean and nasty when son was poor. He had reached his show off goals without regret. He must pay the price for it, the rule of the game. Since he was too greedy and want to swallow all, then he will be punished by heaven. Facing tremendous pressure in life circumstances.
19. Who told you that you cannot be successful? Discouragement or a successful legacy?
20. The shaping of character by complex mental and ethical traits, the making of our DNA with inevitable mistakes. Feeling less proud when we try to be perfect.
Your external circumstances will not change until you you change your internal mindset. 36
16. How to change the type of people you attract
Your self esteem, dressing, environment you spend your time determine who you interact with. If you talk about uplifting things, you will attract uplifting people. Maximize down time to be productive, plan the next move and get some directions. There is good opportunity that come out of a bad situation. 43,93
17. How to get social skills
a) Listen first and respond to build mutual trust and friendship.
b) Stay on the subject when you talk to keep them engaged and listening to you.
c) Be creative by using charts and stories to educate listener.
d) Show positive body language without folding your arms or putting hands in your pocket.
Harness good thoughts for the benefit of fulfilling your purpose and spread the goodwill. 45,96
18. Great ways to introduce yourself
a) Take initiative to approach the person and introduce yourself.
b) Ask for help or help somebody in a working environment.
c) Request for an empty seat next to somebody in school and start a conversation.
d) Social networking tool to make friends.
In order to reach greater levels of success and greatness, you must undergo pressure to achieve the performance desired. 97,47
19. How to pave the road to success
We need to know the destination and plan the pathway. We need to have multiple exit points in order not to reach the dead end road, leading to multiple roadways of achievements.
A good parent should teach children the truths about carrying on a successful legacy so that they do not squander the profits and benefits. Show them how to make the money, manage and multiply it, develop the business model and take things to the next level. Leave a successful legacy behind. 99,49
20. How to stop trying to be perfect.
a) Focus on improvement to be realistic.
b) Accept that we make mistakes, they are answers to unsolved problems and the shaping of our character.
c) Improvement is a lifelong learning. We have to upgrade our minds as we face new challenges.
d) Do not compare ourselves with others. We have goals and accomplishment to enjoy life. 51,103
Relationship air balloon chart
Mind body green
Habits are how you act and react driven by constant frequency from your
baggage in thoughts, emotions and behavior. These deeply
ingrained habits are unhealthy and not adaptive.
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