July success
Level up for the accomplishment of goals, no matter how big or small they are. 20
Remove the false mindset and value of success by destroying others and damaging the environment to enjoy luxuries, which destroys yourself in return. We need to accumulate positive change in order to harvest success for ourselves and the future generations.
Do not judge by appearance, there are hypocrites and scams. Toxic generation use grant, borrow money, money laundering, bribery, fraud, lottery windfall, inherited wealth to flaunt cheap things and harm others. Show off capability, not dirty money.
31. People from that country and shameless generation are jealous, feel inferior to others so they practice bad karma to boost confidence. They spread dirty ashes and toxic blood.
32. Even without crisis, toxic generation cannot perform and cause the next generation to be abused in family, society and workplace for 50 years.
33. Toxic generation trigger their friend upstairs to smoke everyday in order to force their son move out and fall sick. Always questioning to find out his weakness, give fake information leading to illness, injury and fear. Toxic generation trigger disputes to print money for long term care. Government must freeze their accounts for using lottery windfall to harm and threaten others. All families shrink due to unrealistic demand and taking things for granted. They are bad influence for next generation to repeat the history and destroy themselves.
34. Financial virus in stock market gambling, manipulating to tsunami. Attacking any industry with loopholes, poor internal control. Business without diversity will collapse.
Why always repeat the same mistake?
bmw is urgly and cheaper than hdb, lamborghini is butterfly.
Do not judge by appearance, there are hypocrites and scams. Toxic generation use grant, borrow money, money laundering, bribery, fraud, lottery windfall, inherited wealth to flaunt cheap things and harm others. Show off capability, not dirty money.
35. #09-88 People from mainland smoke throughout the day, everyday to kill themselves and others. Poor air con carbon emissions, repeatedly dropped food, pole and clothing from their windows. 5 Feb 2021
Some doors you have to walk through; some you have to force and pry open; some you have to kick open and use C-4 to open; some you leave closed. Use wisdom to know the difference. 42
31. Ways to gain confidence
Listen to motivation speech for inspiration and boost energy. Read self improvement book to plan and accomplish goals, gain wisdom and knowledge to improve your life. 73,93
32. Accepting yourself - Finding beauty in the imperfections
a) Accept the current situation and the opportunity to improve it.
b) Discover beauty and work for what you want.
c) Be patient when making mistakes and willing to teach people to improve.
d) Be humble to learn and respect the importance of education.
e) As everyone is not perfect, people need to help one another to reach their goals.
The power of your thoughts can cause you to become great or worthless. Harness good thoughts to fulfill your purpose and destiny. 75,93
33. How to gain respect for yourself after making poor decisions
a) Remain humble, accept the mistake and consequences, then move on.
b) Trying to argue results in repeating the mistake.
c) Admit the mistake and forgive ourselves.
d) Blaming and beating up ourselves will not gain respect and prevent the mistake.
e) Spend time with people that will counsel and lift us up to keep moving forward. 77,76
34. How to improve your personality, making yourself more likeable
a) Increase your confidence by being authentic and productive.
b) Speak positively for attraction and good reputation.
c) Be open, approachable and honest.
d) Encourage and inspire others in times of up and down.
Success means facing your failures, dealing with the heart-wrenching feelings, use it as an energy to keep you moving forward and try something different. 79,80
35. How to smile your day
a) Exercise is the body happy drug.
b) Hang out with friends and learn together.
c) Listen to music to relieve stress.
d) Watch television show and laugh to boost immune system.
e) Speak and meet new people.
f) Be a giver and receive happiness.
g) Celebrate special occasions and remember the blessings.
h) Get enough rest to relax and be more productive.
i) Finish tasks on time to enjoy the accomplishment.
j) Have personal time for hobbies. 82,80
Mind body green
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