October resilience



The ability to recover quickly from difficulties.

Life is filled with peaks and valleys. What makes a difference is how well you take the situation in bouncing back and the mindset to move forward. 

In life, you will lose things and relationships. Loss is not always a bad thing. 

Learn the lessons and access the situation properly, to the best of your ability because there is more to come. How you handle now will determine the success of what comes your way in the future. 25

When you succeed, do not be selfish to share your success for bountiful harvests.


42. As the country opens up, people from that country increase prank, scam, accounting fraud, vandalism and other crimes. Continuous cycle of torturing themselves.

43. Digital scam and loophole. Two parcels not received but they update as delivered. Irresponsible to leave parcels anywhere without notice.  They can pretend to take picture of door but cheat the parcels.

Very tedious to order twenty items but they came from different stores with different location and delivery dates.

Have certificates. Have skills. Have scholars. Brain stopped functioning and fainted.

44. Doing charity with the motive to cheat and dictate others. She causes more victims to end up in hospital by giving pressure on house, giveaway, tour and money. Fake disclosure, accumulate evil deeds and suffer retribution. She spreads anxiety disorder disease. She scammed victims with cheap things to cheat more money and make excuses to claim back.

Threatening victims with donation and WILL to satisfy her greed. She cannot even pay her own expenses and she wants to act clever with donation, leaving others to clear her debt. Since she wants to give charity and withdraw her accounts, then she is responsible to pay her expenses on her own. Throughout her life, she enjoys spending others' hard earned money without contribution to act kind. She has taken all the inheritance without sharing and even asked for more money on the expenses. If the government did not give regulations on withdrawal, then they will squander the money, claim that it is for donation and leave the debt to others. Bad karma 报应

No declaration, no distribution, fake disclosure. Breach of trust


Report scam, freeze their accounts.




Integrate functions to add values on a large scale.


Human and artificial intelligence integration

In the past, printing was only on paper. We can now customize 3D printing on a home device for butterfly pancakes and other recipes according to our designs.

Customize 3D machine for drinks when there is no manpower.

Apply 3D learning, be resilient in problem solving and benefit for life.

Visualise solutions in different perspective, integrating design and engineering skills.

Chemical engineers to innovate, integrate, solve problems on the use of chemicals on food, drugs, household products, processes for clean, renewable energy and mitigate the outbreak of diseases.

3D learning

Hard skill ~ 3D design in software engineering

Soft skill ~ 3D perspective in problem solving for health, career and daily issues.

A third eye to see things with your heart, without judging on the surface and jumping into conclusions.

42. Finding help when you realize that you have a problem

a) Get help to overcome problem and continue with your mission.

b) Understand the root cause of the problem to prevent reoccurrence.

c) Tell somebody related if the problem existed in the family for a long time.

d) Speak to a professional, psychologist or doctor.

e) Accountability groups are good to help people to recover from tough situations or addictions. 96

43. Attracting others - How to transform yourself

a) Upgrade your education.

Your knowledge determines what you do. 

What you do determines how you live your life.

b) Level up your career with higher responsibility and pay.

c) Enjoy the fruits of your labor with rewards and awards.

d) Improve your appearance to match your job and income.

e) Your upgraded lifestyle will attract others to be more interested in you. 98

44. How to live the life you desire most

a) Know what you want and why for your direction.

b) Find some role models to learn and seek advice from.

c) Implement what you learn and live the life you desire most. 100

Have certificates. Have skills. Have scholars. Brain stopped functioning and fainted.

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